God, we are waiting.
Waiting for so many things, waiting for your guidance and clarity. We don’t want to make a move without your presence going before us. We know that you are indeed with us always, as you promised, but we don’t want to make decisions on our own strength and in our own understanding. We acknowledge that waiting is often part of your plan for us, part of the way in which you are disciplining us and molding us in love. Even though we don’t know why we are waiting, we trust that you are with us in it. We know that you do not leave us alone, for that would be truly more than we could bear.
Thank you for shielding us from things even unknown to us, for always working behind the scenes in ways we can’t begin to understand. Help us to remember your great power, your great sovereign command of the universe and of our own lives. We acknowledge you as the Great I Am, the First and the Last, the Alpha and the Omega. You stand in all power outside of time and space. You hold us all together, protecting us and caring for us in all things. Help us shed the lies that peace lies in certainty, in circumstances, in getting the things we want, in getting our life in some kind of order. You are our Peace.
Breathe on us, heal our hearts. Give us the faith we need to keep on trusting you, to keep looking at you when everything else is in shadow. Remind us to make time for you, to read your Word, and to listen to what you have to say to us. Remind us that you always show up in our listening. Your word says that it is good for one to wait for the salvation of the Lord. We trust that you will yourself be our sustenance while we wait, that you will be our manna in the desert places of our lives. We give you these dry spaces, trusting that you will transform them and use them for your glory and our good. Give us true patience, to trust you even if and when things might not change. You yourself are our great Treasure, our great Portion. Enlarge our hearts and minds to receive you as our peace and our King.
Waiting for so many things, waiting for your guidance and clarity. We don’t want to make a move without your presence going before us. We know that you are indeed with us always, as you promised, but we don’t want to make decisions on our own strength and in our own understanding. We acknowledge that waiting is often part of your plan for us, part of the way in which you are disciplining us and molding us in love. Even though we don’t know why we are waiting, we trust that you are with us in it. We know that you do not leave us alone, for that would be truly more than we could bear.
Thank you for shielding us from things even unknown to us, for always working behind the scenes in ways we can’t begin to understand. Help us to remember your great power, your great sovereign command of the universe and of our own lives. We acknowledge you as the Great I Am, the First and the Last, the Alpha and the Omega. You stand in all power outside of time and space. You hold us all together, protecting us and caring for us in all things. Help us shed the lies that peace lies in certainty, in circumstances, in getting the things we want, in getting our life in some kind of order. You are our Peace.
Breathe on us, heal our hearts. Give us the faith we need to keep on trusting you, to keep looking at you when everything else is in shadow. Remind us to make time for you, to read your Word, and to listen to what you have to say to us. Remind us that you always show up in our listening. Your word says that it is good for one to wait for the salvation of the Lord. We trust that you will yourself be our sustenance while we wait, that you will be our manna in the desert places of our lives. We give you these dry spaces, trusting that you will transform them and use them for your glory and our good. Give us true patience, to trust you even if and when things might not change. You yourself are our great Treasure, our great Portion. Enlarge our hearts and minds to receive you as our peace and our King.
Beauty always grows in stark spots, the rusty and wild places. |
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